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This was an image that started life as a speedpainting-collab session at STGCC 2010 between Daryl Tan([link]) and myself.
The idea came about when I brought my rough sketch of some space marines to be used as a starting point for my live demo, only to find out that he was painting a similar piece, albeit at a slightly different angle. So feeling adventurous, I mentioned to him how I thought it would be cool to see how our 2 different images could be amalgamated into one and ended up compositing my sketches around his marines, and going from there. It was a very interesting challenge and I learnt a great deal from the process, because it was more of an art-conversation between us and a practice in simply making use of what's there to begin with while melding 2 separate styles into 1.

By the end of the session we saved the file and agreed to continue from that point in our own time. I'm really looking forward to his rendition!

My final version turned out very different from what I was going for initially (desert scheme marines with a tacti-cool twist) because I learnt he was collecting a Space Marine army of his own, one with a Blood Angel style scheme, and decided to homage it in this image here :) Hope you like it dudel!
Image size
1400x990px 767.28 KB
© 2010 - 2024 ukitakumuki
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Vandal030's avatar
Fantastic job!